Forest Hills Club is a family-oriented clothing-optional club, and the following list of rules is intended to assure that you understand the behavior that is expected of members, guests, and Summer Pass holders. This is not a complete list of the Club’s rules and regulations; a complete list may be found in the Member’s Guidebook.
Generally speaking, we expect the same behavior from all of our guests that would be expected at any other campground or public facility. Those who fail to behave according to the Club’s rules will be escorted from the grounds without receiving a refund and will not be readmitted.
All daily members, guests, and Summer Pass holders are subject to a background check and must register at the office immediately upon entering the Club’s grounds. Club members entertaining guests, even guests who will remain on their lot for their entire stay, must register them at the office.
All visitors must enter Club grounds during office hours unless prior arrangements have been made for their late arrival. We require positive ID from all guests, including late arrivals.
Photography policy

All photography on the Club's premises is strictly controlled. You may take photos ONLY at your campsite and only of members of your party. The Club's policy requires that any photography of people is permitted only with the express written consent of everyone who is in the photo and that all photography in common areas is only allowed by authorized club photographers. If a group photo is being taken, the photographer will announce that photos are being taken. During group photos, if you do not want to be photographed, please remove yourself from the photo-shoot site.
The use of binoculars, telescopes, or telephoto lenses for the purpose of observing or photographing the activities of others without their knowledge is prohibited.
No photography is permitted in the common areas, including the Center Circle (clubhouse and deck, campfire circle, pool, pool deck, pavilion, hot tub gazebo, picnic area, and all bathhouses), by all members, guests, and Summer Pass holders. If your device is capable of taking pictures or recording video, you MUST leave the device either at your campsite or in your vehicle unless the device’s lens is covered by a sticker (available in the office). The possession of any devices capable of taking photos or videos is prohibited in all common areas unless the lens(es) are covered by a sticker. There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule and those who violate it will be escorted from the grounds and will not be readmitted.
Drug policy

The distribution, use, or possession of illegal drugs is prohibited on the Club’s property. The use of marijuana is not permitted in all common areas including the Center Circle and on campground sites. Marijuana may only be used on private lots. According to state law, those people under the age of 21 may not possess or use marijuana.
Minor children’s policy
At all times, parents should be aware of their children’s whereabouts and activities and make every effort to supervise their activities and ensure their safety.
Children under the age of 14 are not permitted inside the pool fence without the direct supervision of a parent or an adult who has agreed to supervise the child with the parents’ permission. The supervising adult must be inside the pool fence and must be attentive to the child’s activities.
Children under the age of 13 must be at their campsites by 11:00 p.m., older teens by midnight. This curfew may be extended to allow children to be present at Club-sponsored activities when such attendance is appropriate. This curfew does not apply to activities on a camper’s site with permission from the parent(s) and the site holder. Children at such activities are restricted to the site on which the activity is taking place.
Pet policy
Pets are welcome at Forest Hills Club but, except for service animals, they are not allowed in the Center Circle, Club House, Pool Area, Picnic Area, or guest cabins. By state law, proof of pet vaccination is required. Where pets are allowed they must be leashed or under the direct control of the owner. Pet owners are required to clean up after their pets.
General Rules
Everyone must shower with soap and thoroughly rinse every time before entering the pool or hot tub. After using the shower, be sure it’s off.
Carry a towel wherever you go and for sanitary reasons, use it whenever you sit. Please teach your children to do the same.
By state law and for safety reasons, no glass containers are permitted inside the pool fence or hot tub area.
Our clubhouse and all out-buildings are smoke-free, including the cabins, dressing room, restrooms, bathhouses, hot tub gazebo, and office. Smokers: please be considerate of others nearby. Take care to be sure that your smoke doesn’t bother a neighbor.
Clean up after yourself: empty your ashtray and dispose of your beverage containers and other discarded items. Be a good citizen and leave your place clean for others.
Overt sexual behavior in public, provocative or unwanted advances of a sexual nature toward others, and any voyeuristic behavior are prohibited. In addition, provocative or exhibitionistic dress is not appropriate for our family setting. If anyone makes you uncomfortable, please go to the office to report the incident and a Board member will assist you.
Keep the volume of your music and your “partying” to a reasonable level; we strongly encourage wearing headphones in the common areas when playing your music. Don't assume that others enjoy your music choices.
Don’t use foul language or be disruptive or offensive to others.
Alcoholic beverages are permitted but intoxication is never acceptable.
Wearing clothing is optional on Club grounds; however, no clothing of any kind, including swim shoes, may be worn in the swimming pool or hot tub.
Running or horseplay is not permitted in or around the swimming pool and pool deck area.
Food or smoking are not allowed in the swimming pool or inside the hot tub gazebo.
Quiet time is from 1:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on weekdays and 1:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on weekends and holidays.
The clubhouse may not be used for overnight accommodation.
If you have stayed overnight at a campsite or cabin, our check-out time is 11:00 a.m. You may remain on Club grounds until 12 noon but staying later requires paying the daily fee. Staying overnight in your car is the same as camping and the appropriate fees will be charged.
Please clean up your campsite before leaving and use the trash containers which are provided. For your convenience, we provide containers designated for cans and bottles which have a deposit, recycling containers for non-deposit plastic bottles (please remove caps), and an RV sanitary dump station located outside the lower bathhouse.
Links about Nudist Etiquette
We want all of our guests and members to feel safe while visiting our Club. Engaging in social nudism requires that we behave respectfully to each other. Most people know how to behave respectfully, but unfortunately, there can be times when someone's thoughtless or even rude behavior becomes alarming. In a nudist setting, rude behavior is especially unwelcome.
We've developed a handout, based on a fine article from "Felicity's Blog," which discusses nudist etiquette. Please review this flyer; it contains some very important points about respectful behavior.
[bsk-files-manager-file id=341]The American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) also publishes material about nudist etiquette. Here is a link to one excellent article from the AANR West region's website as a pdf:
[bsk-files-manager-file id=354]Or as an actual link but you will have to work a little harder to find it:
Basic Guidelines for AANR Beaches, Resorts, and Clubs. See the "Guidelines" tab in particular.